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New Castle, Kent, Sussex

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About Us

Our Mission

The Delaware Adolescent Program, Inc. (DAPI) provides a standards-based education for pregnant and parenting teens with unique outreach, mentoring and supportive services promoting empowerment and self-sufficiency.

Our Vision

To empower pregnant and parenting teens to achieve their dreams for themselves and their children.

Our History

The Delaware Adolescent Program, Inc. (DAPI) was founded in 1968 in New Castle County in order to afford pregnant teenagers a means by which to continue their education and receive pre-natal care.

The program, which became a national model, provided the strong support needed when students were unofficially asked to leave their home schools when they became pregnant. The program quickly expanded across the state and serves hundreds of girls each year in our New Castle, Kent and Sussex county centers.

Today, young women have many educational/life choices in the event that they become pregnant. However, many adolescent girls and their families still prefer the intimate environment and personalized attention that the Delaware Adolescent Program, Inc. provides.

The Delaware Adolescent Program, Inc. is the only statewide comprehensive school based program serving pregnant and parenting teens and their families. DAPI serves the community with the following programs: Academic Instruction, Social Services, Child Care, On site therapeutic counseling and Health Services.